- OpeNoise::AcousticWeightingTableWeighting acoustic table
- OpeNoise::P1FANoise data of misure in house open window condition
- OpeNoise::P1FCNoise data of misure in house close window condition
- OpeNoise::PTFANoise data of misure in house open window condition
- OpeNoise::PTFCNoise data of misure in house close window condition
- OpeNoise::dataset_impulsive1Noise dataset of impulsive event (100 ms acquisition time)
- OpeNoise::dataset_impulsive2Noise dataset of impulsive event (100 ms acquisition time)
- OpeNoise::dfBWTable's 1/3 octave bandwidth
- OpeNoise::exampleHourlyDataNoise hourly data of misure in environmental open space
- OpeNoise::isoParameters table of equal loudness curve A (ISO 226:1987 “Acoustics - Normal equal-loudness-level contours”)
- OpeNoise::markersDataset with markers